Arrr...You've found the Treasure Chest Link to the

Pirate Jokes Page....Well done Matey!!

1. What does the ocean say when it sees the shore?   Nothing, it just waves.
2. What happened to the man with two wooden legs when his trousers caught fire?   He was burnt to the ground.
3. What has 12 arms, 12 legs and 12 eyes?   A dozen pirates.
4. Take me wife, arrrrgh!
5. What does a Dyslexic Pirate Say?   RRAAAAAAAAAAA!
6. Where did the one legged pirate go for breakfast?   IHOP
7. What type of girls do pirates like?  Ayyyye candy!
8. What's a Pirates Favorite restaurant?  YOu would thing arrrby's but it's actually long john silvers!
9. why is the jolly roger grinning?  because they crossed his funny bones!
10. Why be Joe Louis like a grand ole pirate? The both had a great left hook.
11. What be a pirate's wife's name? Peg, because she also has a wooden leg.
12. Me parrot's wife died last week. Now me has to send him to a support group, "Parrots without Partners."
13. What do ye say when ye poke a pirate in the face? Eye-Eye!
14. What kind of nightmares do pirates have? Beavers, I tell ye, beavers! - Arrrgh!
15. What be a pirate's least favorite disease? Jock itch. Arrr arrr arrr arrrgh!
16. Which marital position in bed produce thee ugliest children? Go ask ye mother.
17. Why are pirates always ready to seduce a wench? Because we have a pecker on our shoulder and Moby Dick in our pants.
18. How do pirates teach their children to read? Hooked on Phonics.
19. What's the worse nightmare for a pirate on a blind date?   a sunken chest with no booty

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